We are proud to launch our new joint injection therapy clinic. At Melanie Betts Physiotherapy we can now offer clients Cortisone (Depomedrone with lidocaine) injection therapy and Hyaluronic Acid (Ostenil®) injection therapy.
Injection therapy is an extremely effective treatment as part of a physiotherapy programme for conditions such as joint osteoarthritis (eg. knees, shoulder, thumb), frozen shoulder or other rotator cuff issues or tennis elbow and hip bursitis. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment for conditions such as trigger finger or De Quervains Tenosynovitis (wrist tendon pain) or as part of a treatment package combining with physiotherapy.
Steroid injections provide an effective anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving treatment directly to the joint or soft tissues causing pain. Carried out by our Clinical specialist physiotherapist, normally only one injection is required to gain sufficient pain relief and restore normal range of movement.
What happens when I get a steroid injection?
- Assessment First we examine your area of pain and provide a preliminary diagnosis., this may have already been done if you have been having physio with us already; and it can also be done virtually to assess your suitability
- Options We can then discuss the diagnosis and treatment options with you.
- Procedure If appropriate, there may be an injection that can reduce the pain and help you recover faster.
- Liaison with your GP if you wish to inform them of the procedure undertaken.
Hyaluronic acid (Ostenil) injection therapy involves the injection of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body, into a joint to reduce pain and stiffness. Hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the joint, reducing friction and cushioning the joint from impact. This treatment is often used for conditions such as osteoarthritis.
The hyaluronic acid in Ostenil® is very pure and is manufactured using a process called fermentation. It contains no animal proteins, which means it is very unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. The treatment can be given as a course of 3 weekly injections, or 1 single injection of Ostenil plus. The therapist can discuss these options. Ostenil® has been extensively tested, and has not been found to cause any serious side effects. Relief can be expected for 6-12 month depending on the method used.
What happens when I get a Hyaluronic acid injection?
- Assessment First we examine your area of pain and provide a preliminary diagnosis., this may have already been done if you have been having physio with us already; and it can also be done virtually to asses your suitability
- Options We can then discuss the diagnosis and treatment options with you.
- Procedure If appropriate, there may be an injection that can reduce the pain and help you recover faster.
- Liason with your GP if you wish to inform them of the procedure undertaken.